Better Finglas are hosting a 1 hour online taster session tomorrow Tuesday 11th January at 10.30am in relation to the Circle of Security Parenting Programme. They have an 8 week online group starting Monday 17th of January at 10.30am. If interested please contact Better Finglas – more info and link below to register for the taster session tomorrow (Tuesday 11th January at 10:30am).

At times all parents can feel lost or without a clue about what our child might need from us. Imagine what it might feel like if you were able to make sense of what your child was really asking from you.
The Circle of Security Parenting programme focuses on how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. We have a group starting on Monday 17th of January at 10.30am via Zoom.
In advance of this we are hosting a 1 hour taster session on Circle of Security this Tuesday , 11th January at 10.30am via Zoom.
The session will cover what to expect from attending the 8 week Circle of Security Programme, what you can learn from the programme and what strategies to support you as a parent/guardian can be gained from attending Circle of Security.
To register for the Circle of Security Taster Session, please click on the link below: